How Do Greenhouses Contribute Toward More Efficient Growing – 5 Ways
There are many advantages to greenhouses. They are an excellent solution for maintaining an ideal environment and can contribute toward more productive growing, longer growing seasons, and more. This article will touch base on five main benefits, have a read and let us know if this information was useful to you!
#1 Longer Growing Season — A greenhouse can provide a more controlled growing climate, significantly extending your growing season. Overall, you can extend your growing season by over 60% where a typical garden season usually lasts about six months from May-October, a greenhouse growing season can last up to 10 months, running from March-December.
#2 Weather Protection — A greenhouse can provide a higher level of protection from harsh weather conditions. We build structures to shield plants from the effects of nonseasonal temperature swings. Examples of temperature swings are a sweltering day in May or frosty morning in October. Structures can even barricade strong winds or beaming sun rays as these elements can harm your delicate plants. A translucent cover will diffuse sunlight while sufficient ventilation flows throughout the space.
#3 Diverse Plant Options — If you have ever thought about growing plants that weren’t native to your region, you can! Greenhouses provide a much warmer and more humid environment that is consistently heated and insulated, allowing you to plant more warm-season vegetables and even exotic plants! As long as you’re aware of proper planting conditions, a greenhouse can give you flexibility for new planting projects.
#4 Pest Prevention — Greenhouses are incredibly beneficial when it comes to protecting plants from animals, insects, and inclement weather. As a shelter within an enclosed structure, greenhouses prevent pests and predators such as moles, deer, and birds from eating or attacking plants. Greenhouses also reduce the need for toxic pesticides or chemicals commonly needed to ward off unwanted critters.
#5 Portability & Customization — Today, many greenhouse options fit within specific needs and scale. There are portable and easy-to-assemble structures that allow you to place your greenhouse in an ideal spot for maximum sunlight and accessibility. There are also maneuverable options that include side panels so that airflow and temperature can be adjusted. For large-scale farming operations, some options allow you to create a personalized structure that accommodates your planting needs.
These benefits are a great way to introduce yourself to greenhouse growing and Agrilyze is happy to help you produce better! Visit our website to learn more and contact us for a free consultation today!